Colloq 2/22: Andrew Gilbert, “Foreign Publicity, the Democratization Paradox and the Limits of International Interventions in Bosnia-Herzegovina”


Friday February 22, 4:15-6 PM.  Room C415A (Concourse Level, One Floor Below Main Entrance)

Please join us afterward for a reception on the 6th floor in room 6402



Bio of Andrew Gilbert from McMaster University Anthropology Homepage:

Andrew Gilbert’s research interests focus broadly on the politics of social transformation, which I investigate at the intersectionof three analytically distinct but otherwise overlapping contexts in contemporary Bosnia-Herzegovina: (1) the various attempts at social and political engineering that make up “international intervention,” (2) the presence of socialism in everyday life, and (3) the relationship between violence, historical narrative, nationalist mobilization and state-building. In all of this I pursue the study of Europe from its Balkan periphery, a perspective which “provincializes Europe”—i.e. undercuts the claims of European modernity to universality—and thus allows us to better relate the ongoing influence of Europe in the global imagination to its role as a source and site of global transformation.