Find here a chronological list of our program graduates and dissertation.
Dr. Julia L. Arenson
Evolution of the Extant and Fossil Colobinae (Primates, Cercopithecidae)
Dr. Carly H. Batist
Listening for Lemurs: Translating Black-and-White Ruffed Lemur (Varecia variegata) Vocalizations into Conservation Insights Through Acoustic Monitoring
Dr. Katarina D. Evans
Sexual Selection, Sexual Conflict, and the Coercive Pair Bond in a Primate Multilevel Society
Dr. Talisa Feliciano
Dancing in the Heart of the Empire
Dr. Jemima Georges
Faunal Use and Distribution at the Site of Nixtun-Ch’ich’, Petén, Guatemala
Dr. Lais Gomes Duarte
Struggles, Aspirations, and Survival Strategies: The Intersectionality of Lived Experiences of Migrant “Integration” into Lisbon
Dr. Glenn Kolyer
Exploration of Phenomenological Geospatial Analysis for the Late Archaic in the Esopus Drainage of the Hudson Valley
Dr. Eric John Mazelis
Identification of Mandibular and Maxillary Molars of Old World Monkeys (Primates, Cercopithecidae) Using 3D Geometric Morphometrics
Dr. Sheehan Moore
Future Land, Futures Lost: Planning the Crisis on the Louisiana Coast
Dr. Miryam Nacimento
‘Coca Mestiza’: Small Farmers, Multiculturalism, and the War on Drugs in Colombia
Dr. Samuel E. Novacich
Living Color: Aesthetic Surfaces and Political Life in Brazil,
Dr. Yasemin Ozer
Ordinary Care: Affective Politics of Migration and the Everyday Lives of Syrian Refugees in Istanbul
Dr. Christian Pacheco-Gómez
Border Confinement and Assistance Markets in Tijuana: Mexican Deportees’ Experiences of Labor and Violence Between Mexico and the United States
Dr. Esra S. Padgett
Prurient Nature: Sex Work and Ethics at the Margins of Finance
Dr. Paloma Rodrigo Gonzales
Cuerpos Manchados: Rethinking Racial Difference Through the Grotesque Birthmark
Dr. Nadia Augustyniak
Redrawing the Contours of Care: Ethical Commitments and Gendered Politics in the Work of Government Psychological Counsellors in Sri Lanka
Dr. Scott Erich
Extraction, Property, and Rights in Southeastern Arabian Seascapes c.1820–present
Dr. Nicholas S. Glastonbury
Audible Futures: Scenes of Sonic Encounter in Cold War Kurdistan, 1923–2023
Dr. Mariapaola Gritti
Staying, Flowing, Resounding: Children’s Interactions and Space-Based Attachments on a Manu’a Island
Dr. Zehra Husain
Icons in Lyari: Resonance, Visibility, and Global Blackness in an Indian Ocean Port Town
Dr. Lisa Jahn
Gendered Care Work and State Ambivalence: Disaster Recovery and Puerto Rican Displacement in New York City
Dr. Omnia Khalil
The Making of Counter-Insurgent Geographies in Post-Revolutionary Cairo, Baltaga and Maslaha at Bulaq Abule’lla
Dr. Elliott Liu
A Race-Police Regime: NYPD Technology and Urban Governance in New York City
Dr. Sarah Mady
Birthing, Nursing, and Grieving: An Anthropological Archaeology of Healing Shrines in North Lebanon
Dr. Amanda Mancini
Environmental Drivers of Dispersal in Black-and-White Ruffed Lemurs (Varecia variegata)
Dr. Sergio G. Palencia Frener
The Anti-Plantation Uprising: Indigenous Kinship, Territories, and Communal Politics in Guatemala, 1966-1982
Dr. Amir Reicher
Between Two Messiahs: An Ethnography of Settler-Colonizers in the West Bank
Dr. Christopher M. Smith
Reimagining the Inner Ear: A Morphometric Modeling Approach for Establishing Shape Change in the Evolution of the Human Otolith System
Dr. Julio Arias Vanegas
El Poder de las Tierras Estatales: Conflictos de propiedad, formaciones estatales y la construcción de los Llanos en Colombia
Dr. Caitlyn Bolton
The Spirit of Progress: Islamic Education, Development, and Modernity in Zanzibar
Dr. Santiago Cassalett
Diet and Nutrition of Lemurs in the Lean Season
Dr. Matthew Chrisler
Sunbelt Schooling: Publics and Politics of Education Advocacy in Phoenix, Arizona
Dr. Claudia R. Crowie
Consciousness, Culture, and Comradeship: Narratives of South African Exile and Anti-Apartheid Activism in West Berlin
Dr. Angela M. Crumdy
Teaching Revolution: Women Primary School Teachers, Race, and Social Reproduction in Cuba
Dr. Margaret Cruz
Property in Pieces: Land, Oil and Uncertainty in a Mexican Ejido
Dr. Charles Dolph
The Cultural Battle Against the Dollar: Struggles over Hoarding and Democracy in the Twilight of Argentina’s Soy Boom
Dr. Nadja Eisenberg-Guyot
Refusing Rehabilitation: Outlaw Epistemologies and the Carceral-Therapeutic State in NYC
Dr. Ola Galal
The Politics of Feminist Citizenship: Violence, Law, and Affect in Post-Revolution Tunisia
Dr. Diane F. George
American Apotheosis: Ceramics and the Production of National Identity in Post-Revolutionary New York City
Dr. Ishan Elizabeth Gordon-Ugarte
“She Too ‘Omanish’”: Young Black Women’s Sexuality and Reproductive Justice in Bluefields, Nicaragua
Dr. Stephanie Victoria Love
Streets of Grievance: Everyday Poetics and Postcolonial Politics in Urban Algeria
Dr. Brenna McCaffrey
All Aboard the Abortion Pill Train: Activism, Medicine, and Reproductive Technologies in the Republic of Ireland
Dr. Michael Mena
The Making of a Bilingual University in the 21st Century
Dr. Dane C. Ruffin
Past-Futures of Harlem: Black Urban Space at the Limits of Spatial Justice
Dr. China S. Sajadian
Debts of Displacement: Syrian Refugee Farmworkers at the Lebanese-Syrian Border
Dr. Konrad Smiarowski
Historical Ecology of Norse Greenland: Zooarchaeology and Climate Change Responses
Dr. Anne Spice
Everything to Lose: Extraction, Racism, and Survival on Wet’suwet’en Land
Dr. Andreina I. Torres A.
Building the Revolution: Ideology, Affect and Gender in Bolivarian Caracas
Dr. Darice Westphal
Genetic Impacts of Deforestation on Mouse Lemurs
Dr. Marc A. Wolf
Landscape, Settlement, and Community: The Natural, Human, and Sacred Geography of Classic Maya Civilization in West-Central Guatemala
Dr. Christopher J. Baum
Bodies on the Line: The Politics of Regulating Pornography in Los Angeles
Dr. Justin D. Bracken
Monumentality, Fortification, and Movement: Preclassic Maya Developments as seen at Muralla de León, Petén, Guatemala
Dr. Ezgi Canpolat
Syrian Refugees and the Politics of Diversity and Belonging in Turkey
Dr. Grace M. Cesario
Marine Resource Specialization in Viking Age Iceland: Exploitation of Seabirds and Fish on Hegranes in Skagafjörður
Dr. Emily J. Curtin
Fitness Culture: Making New Persons in Quasi-Socialist Belarus
Dr. Jessie Fredlund
Climate Change and the Ancestors: Rain, Gender and Politics in an African Water Catchment
Dr. Romm Lewkowicz
Documenting the Undocumented: Experimenting Europe at the Biometric Migrant Archive
Dr. Linsey Ly
Spectral Urbanism: Modern Ghost Cities, Rare Earths, and Political Time at the Limits of Materialism
Dr. Sarah Molinari
Reimagining Recovery: Debt, Mutual Aid, and Disaster Governance in Puerto Rico
Dr. Emanuel D. Moss
The Objective Function: Science and Society in the Age of Machine Intelligence
Dr. Brenda Nicole Prehal
Handbook for the Deceased: Re-Evaluating Literature and Folklore in Icelandic Archaeology
Dr. Nicole A. Rose
Mobile Practices and the Production and Curation of Pottery: A View from the Ancient Southern Russian Steppe Using Portable Methods of Investigation
Dr. Yesenia Ruiz
From Poor Campesinos to Tortilla Kings: Mexican Migrant Elites
Dr. Alexandra K. Schindler
Living in Permanent Transience: An Ethnography of Contemporary Alexandria
Dr. Scott W. Schwartz
The Material Culture of Temperature: Measurement, Capital and Semiotics
Dr. Douaa Sheet
The Politics of “Dignity” and the Tunisian Truth Commission: Keywords, Violence, Human Rights
Dr. Margaret Bryer
Nutritional Strategy and Social Environment in Redtail Monkeys (Cercopithecus ascanius)
Dr. Emma C. Cancelliere
Dietary Development and Nutritional Ontogeny in Gorilla beringei : A Multi-layered, -Omics Approach
Dr. Rachel Daniell
The Afterlives of Government Documents: Information Labor, Archival Power, and the Visibility of U.S. Human Rights Violations in the “War on Terror”
Dr. Chris Grove
Reclaiming Indiana: The Politics of Crisis Amid the Failures of Liberal Capitalist Modernity
Dr. Elaine E. Kozma
Climbing Performance and Ecology in Humans, Chimpanzees, and Gorillas
Dr. Elizabeth D. Meade
“Prepare for Death and Follow Me:” An Archaeological Survey of the Historic Period Cemeteries of New York City
Dr. Claire Panetta
The Infrastructure of Politics: Participatory Urbanism, Professional Strategies, and the Production of the Built Environment in Post-Revolution Cairo
Dr. Oscar H. Pedraza Vargas
Many Forms of Black Death: Coal Extraction, Transnational Activism and the Value of Life in Colombia
Dr. Kelsey D. Pugh
The Phylogenetic Relationships of Middle-Late Miocene Apes: Implications for Early Human Evolution
Dr. Margarite J. Whitten
Shadow Standards and the Logic of Costs: Care, Stewardship, and Data in U.S. Community Health
Dr. Monica Patrice Barra
Losing Louisiana: Race, Techno-Science, and the Disappearing Geographies of the Lower Mississippi River Delta
Dr. Christopher Caruso
A New and Unsettling Force: Information Technology, Popular Education and the Movement to End Poverty
Dr. Emma M. Finestone
Oldowan Tool Behaviors Through Time on the Homa Peninsula, Kenya
Dr. Rocío Gil Martínez de Escobar
Becoming Legible: The Racial Making of the Negro Mascogo/Black Seminole People in the Coahuila–Texas Borderland
Dr. Zoltan Gluck
Recolonizing Security: An Anthropology of the War on Terror in Kenya
Dr. Megan Hicks
Commmunity, Ecology, and Modernity: Faunal Analysis of Skútustaðir in Mývatnssveit, Northern Iceland
Dr. Molly J. Hurley-Depret
Waiting: History, Fear, and Healing in Ballynafeigh / the Upper Ormeau Road of Belfast, Northern Ireland
Dr. Nathan P. Jones
Being Ethnic on the Eurasian Steppe: Civic Nation-Building Discourse in Kazakhstan and Russia
Dr. Zachary Stoffel Klukkert
The Functional Morphology of Ingestion in the Platyrrhine Sclerocarpic Harvesters (Platyrrhini, Primates)
Dr. Zeynep Oguz
Sedimenting Territory: A Political Geology of Oil, Earth, and Spatial Politics in Turkey
Dr. Raymond W. Pettit
Development, Expertise, and Infrastructure between the Ohio River and Cincinnati Riverfront, 1895-Present
Dr. Omar Ramadan-Santiago
Dios en carne: Rastafari and the Embodiment of Spiritual Blackness in Puerto Rico
Dr. Brian M. Shearer
The Morphology and Evolution of the Primate Brachial Plexus
Dr. Yuko Shiratori
Constructing Social Identity Through the Past: The Itza Maya Community Identity Through the Late Postclassic Period (1250–1525CE)
Dr. Anders Wallace
War and Peace in American Seduction: Seduction Communities, Heterosexual Masculinity, and Mediated Intimacy in New York City
Dr. Mark Alan Porter Webb
School Optimism: Fast Life and Slow Debt in the Financialized University
Dr. Shahrina Chowdhury
Sociality and Stress in Female Chacma Baboons (Papio ursinus) in the Cape Peninsula of South Africa: Behavioral Flexibility and Coping Mechanisms
Dr. Mark Drury
Disorderly Histories: An Anthropology of Decolonization in Western Sahara
Dr. Ayesha Yasmeen Hinedi
Influence of the Silk Road Trade on the Craniofacial Morphology of Populations in Central Asia
Dr. Salman Hussain
Together Without Consensus: Class, Emotions and the Politics of the Rule of Law in the Lawyers’ Movement (2007-09) in Pakistan
Dr. Ahmed Ibrahim
The Shari’a Courts of Mogadishu: Beyond “African Islam” and “Islamic Law”
Dr. Malav J. Kanuga
“When We Demand Our Share of This World”: Struggles for Space, New Possibilities of Planning, and Municipalist Politics in Mumbai
Dr. Madhuri Karak
Insurgent Difference: An Ethnography of an Indian Resource Frontier
Dr. Alyssa Loorya
Deconstructing City Hall Park: The Development and Archaeology of the Common
Dr. Estefania Ponti
Military Citizenship in the Post-9/11 Homefront
Dr. Nicole M. Webb
The Upright Battle: Morphological Trends of the Bipedal Pelvis
Dr. Neil S. Agarwal
Yellowing the Logarithm: How Money Solved the Problem of Freedom
Dr. Eileen Colligan
Thule Iron Use in the Pre-contact Arctic
Dr. Frances L. Forrest
Zooarchaeological and Palaeoenvironmental Reconstruction of Newly Excavated Middle Pleistocene Deposits from Elandsfontein, South Africa
Dr. Mohamad Junaid
Youth Activists in Kashmir: State Violence, Tehreek, and the Formation of Political Subjectivity
Dr. Ahilan Kadirgamar
The Failure of Post-War Reconstruction in Jaffna, Sri Lanka: Indebtedness, Caste Exclusion and the Search for Alternatives
Dr. Cory Look
Archaeology of Void Spaces
Dr. Adrienne R. Lotson
Like A Natural Woman – Black Women’s Theatre Aesthetics: Agency & Resistance on the Chitlin’ Circuit
Dr. Manissa Maharawal
Affective Afterlives: An Ethnography of Activism Between Movements
Dr. Jonathan Stillo
Sick Systems: How Drug-resistant Tuberculosis Became Practically Incurable in Romania
Dr. Lauren Suchman
The End of AIDS: Gender, Race and Class Politics in New York’s Campaign to End the Epidemic
Dr. Yunus Dogan Telliel
What is the Language of Islam?: Reform, Translation, and Secularism in Turkey
Dr. Elan L. Abrell
Saving Animals: Everyday Practices of Care and Rescue in the US Animal Sanctuary Movement
Dr. James J. A. Blair
Extracting Indigeneity: Oil, Environment and Self-Determination in the Falkland Islands (Malvinas)
Dr. Scott Adam Blumenthal
Climate, Ecology, and Human Evolution during the Plio-Pleistocene
Dr. Michael J. Boyle
Declining City, Born-Again Citadel: Faith-Based Organizations and the Reconstitution of Inequality in Postindustrial America
Dr. Akissi M. Britton
Lucumi and the Children of Cotton: Gender, Race, and Ethnicity in the Mapping of a Black Atlantic Politics of Religion
Dr. Priya R. Chandrasekaran
Millets from the Margins: Value, Knowledge and the Subaltern Practice of Biodiversity in Uttarakhand, India
Dr. Emily S. Channell-Justice
Left of Maidan: Self-Organization and the Ukrainian State on the Edge of Europe
Dr. Risa Cromer
Saving: Stem Cell Science, Christian Adoption, and Frozen Embryo Potential in the United States
Dr. Neri de Kramer
The Antipolitics of Food in Middle-Class America
Dr. Javiela Evangelista
Reshaping National Imaginations in the Midst of Civil Genocide: Denationalization in the Dominican Republic and Transnational Activism
Dr. Andrew Hernann
Breaking Cover: Confronting Crisis and Displacement in Timbuktu, Mali
Dr. Anthony Johnson
Post-Apartheid Citizenship and the Politics of Evictions in Inner City Johannesburg
Dr. Melissa Maldonado-Salcedo
In Search of Argentinidad: Identity Affirming Bodies in Movement in Latino-America
Dr. Ryan A. Mann-Hamilton
What the Tides May Bring: Political “Tigueraje” Disposession and Popular Dissent in Samaná, Dominican Republic
Dr. Fabio Mattioli
Losing Values: Illiquidity, Personhood, and the Return of Authoritarianism in Skopje, Macedonia
Dr. Slobodan Mitrović
Connectivity: An Ecological Paradigm for the Study of Bronze Age
Dr. Christine A. Pinnock
A Means to An End: Articulations of Diasporic Blackness, Class and Survival among Female Afro-Caribbean Service Workers in New York City
Dr. Michael Polson
Through the Gateway: Marijuana Production, Governance, and the Drug War Détente
Dr. Victoria Stone-Cadena
Transnational Indigenous Migration: Racialized Geographies and Power in Southern Highland Ecuador
Dr. Marcus Alan Watson
Kongo to Kings County
Dr. Karen G. Williams
From Coercion to Consent?: Governing the Formerly Incarcerated in the 21st Century United States
Dr. Seth Brewington
Social-Ecological Resilience in the Viking-Age to Early-Medieval Faroe Islands
Dr. Maggie Dickinson
Consuming Poverty: The Unexpected Politics of Food Aid in an Era of Austerity
Dr. Eva Christine Garrett
Was There a Sensory Trade-off in Primate Evolution? The Vomeronasal Groove as a Means of Understanding the Vomeronasal System in the Fossil Record.
Dr. Saygun Gokariksel
Of Truths, Secrets, and Loyalties: Political Belonging and State Building in Poland after State Socialism
Dr. Andres Leon
Rebellion under the Palm Trees: Memory, Agrarian Reform and Labor in the Aguán, Honduras
Dr. Philippe-Richard Marius
Privilege in Haiti: Travails in Color of the First Bourgeois Nation-State in the Americas
Dr. Allison Manfra McGovern
Disrupting the Narrative: Labor and Survivance for the Montauketts of Eastern Long Island
Dr. Preeti Sampat
Right to Land and the Rule of Law: Infrastructure, Urbanization and Resistance in India
Dr. Ana Maria Vinea
‘May God Cure You’: Contemporary Egyptian Therapeutic Landscapes Between Qur’anic Healing And Psychiatry
Dr. Nathan D. Woods
Environmental Expertise In The Age of Research: Institutional Process And Environmental Science In the American Far West, 1950-2014.
Dr. Harmony Goldberg
Our Day Has Finally Come: Domestic Worker Organizing in New York City
Dr. Rodolfo Hernandez-Corchado
“My People is a People on its Knees”: Mexican Labor Migration from the Montana Region and the Formation of a Working Class in New York City
Dr. Matt Kandel
“We are Refugees in Our Own Homeland”: Land Dispossession and Resettlement Challenges in Post-Conflict Teso, Uganda
Dr. Nazia Kazi
The Struggle for Recognition: Muslim American Spokesmanship in the Age of Islamophobia
Dr. Mehmet Baris Kuymulu
Claiming the Right to the City: Towards the Production of Space from Below
Dr. Elise Marie Maragliano
Households, Landscapes, and Post-Collapse Continuity in Postclassic Jalieza, Valley of Oaxaca, Mexico
Dr. Anthony Santino Pagano
The development and function of the nasopharynx and its role in the evolution of primate respiratory abilities
Dr. Kareem Rabie
Palestine is Throwing a Party and the Whole World is Invited: Private Development and State Building in the Contemporary West Bank
Dr. Jeremy Rayner
“A New Way of Doing Politics”: The Movement against CAFTA in Costa Rica
Dr. John Clark Salyer
Law Without Recognition: The Lack of Judicial Discretion to Consider Individual Lives and Legal Equities in United States Immigration Law
Dr. Amy Starecheski
What Was Squatting, and What Comes Next?: The Mystery of Property in New York City, 1984-2014
Dr. Jennifer Hope Sugg
Coming of Age in Neoliberal New York
Dr. Kaja Tretjak
Millennial Libertarians: The Rebirth of a Movement and the Transformation of U.S. Political Culture
Dr. Analía Villagra
Cadê o mico? Where is the tamarin?: Locating monkeys in the politics of land and conservation in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Dr. Melissa Zavala
Wild NYC: Building Biodiversity in Fresh Kills and City Parks
Dr. Julia Marie Zichello
The Effect of Population History on Hominoid Intraspecific Cranial Shape Diversity: Combining Population Genetic and 3D Geometric Morphometric Data
Dr. Carwil Bjork-James
Claiming Space, Redefining Politics: Urban Protest and Grassroots Power in Bolivia
Dr. Sarah Wendolyn Williams
The Digital Diaspora in Sunset Park: Information and Communication Technologies in Brooklyn’s Chinatown
Dr. Raja Abillama: September 2012
The Marital State: Personal Status Laws, Discourses of Reform, and Secularism in Lebanon
Dr. Siobhán Cooke: September 2012
The Greater Antillean Platyrrhines: Biogeography and Paleobiology
Dr. Denise Geraci: September 2012
When Women Migrate: Children and Caring Labor in Puebla, Mexico
Dr. Lynn Horridge: September 2012
Finding Kinship in the Twenty-First Century: Matching Gay New Yorkers With Children Through Adoption and Fostering
Dr. Martha Kebalo: September 2012
Personal Narratives of Women’s Leadership and Community Activism in Cherkasy Oblast
Dr. Lara Kusnetzky: September 2012
Stories of Tin City: Narrative Identity and the Histories of Gejiu, Yunnan Province
Dr. Elizabeth Martin: September 2012
Deconstructing Marginality: Exploring the Foundations of Dogtown Commons, Massachusetts
Dr. Shea McManus: September 2012
The Politics of Transition: Time, History, and Justice in Postwar Lebanon
Dr. Andrea Morrell: September 2012
The Prison Fix: Race, Work, and Economic Development in Elmira, New York
Dr. Nada Moumtaz: September 2012
Modernizing Charity, Remaking Islamic Law
Dr. Abou Farman Farmaian: May 2012
Secular Immortal
Dr. Sam Byrd: May 2012
Making Music in Latino Charlotte: Politics and Community Formation in a Globalizing City
Dr. Sarah Freidline: May 2012
Evolution of the Face in Mid Pleistocene Homo- 3D Surface Analysis Ontogeny, Allomery and Evolution
Dr. Jessica Brinkworth: February 2012
Evolution of Innate Immunity in African Catarrhines
Dr. Katharina Bodirsky: February 2012
The Value of Diversity: Culture, Cohesion, and Competitiveness in the Making of EU-Europe
Dr. Melis Ece: February 2012
Conserving Nature, Transforming Authority: Eviction and Development at the Margins of the State, the Niokolo-Koba National Park, Senegal
Dr. Carolyn Fisher: February 2012
From Incentives to Ayudas: Historical, Social and Political Context of Development Projects With Small-Scale Coffee Farmers in Rural Nicaragua
Dr. Christine Folch: February 2012
The Flows of Sovereignty: Itaipu Hydroelectric Dam and the Ethnography of the Paraguayan Nations-State
Dr. Lauren Halenar: February 2012
Palebiology of Photopithecus Brasiliensis, a Plus-Size Pleistocene Platyrrhine From Brazil
Dr. Ted Powers: February 2012
HIV/AIDS, Local Politics, and the Limits of Transnational Governance in South Africa
Dr. Jill Schennum: February 2012
Bethelem Steelworkers: Reshaping the Industrial Working Class
Dr. Mark Wayne Dyal
“… Rivalry, Hostility, and Romanita.” An Ethnographic Study of AS Roma’s Ultras
Dr. Denise Geraci
When Women Migrate: Children and Caring Labor in Puebla, Mexico
Dr. George Hambrecht
Faunal Analysis of the Early Modern Bishop’s Farm at Skalholt, Arnessysla Iceland
Dr. Martha Kichorowska Kebalo
Personal Narratives of Women’s Leadership and Community Activism in Cherkasy Oblast
Dr. James M. Weir
“‘We Went to the Hills’: Four Afghan Life Stories”
Dr. Russell Hogg
“Dental Microstructure and Growth in the Cebid Primates”
Dr. Ragnar Edvardsson
“The Role of Marine Resources in the Medieval Economy of Vestfirdir, Iceland”
Dr. Tina Lee
“Stratified Reproduction and Definitions of Child Neglect: State Practices and Parents’ Responses”
Dr. Yoko Ikeda: September 2009
“Digging up the Earth in New York City: A Community-Based Environmental Movement”
Dr. Laura Eve Kaehler: September 2009
“Nation-States, Capital Market Managers, and Sovereignty: An Ethnographic Case Study in Malaysia”
Dr. Christine M. Hegel: September 2009
“Breach of Trust: Customary/Commercial Documents and Practices of Private Law in an Egyptian Port”
Dr. Masako Kato: September 2009
“Bilingual Motherhood: Language and Identity Among Japanese Mothers in New York City”
Dr. Ruth Maher: September 2009
“Landscapes of Life and Death: Social Dimensions of a Perceived Landscape in Viking Age Iceland”
Dr. Joshua Milton Moses: September 2009
“Religion, Mental Health and Disaster Response in a New Age of Anxiety “
Dr. Christina Honjo Harris: May 2009
“Silk Roads and Wool Routes: the Social Geography of Tibetan Trade”
Dr. Abraham Lotha: May 2009
“Articulating Naga Nationalism”
Dr. Nicole Laborde: February 2009
“Raising Children the American Way: Court-Mandated Parenting Education in Alameda, California”
Dr. Amy Schreier: February 2009
“The Influence of Resource Distribution on the Social Structure and Travel Patterns of Wild Hamadryas Baboons (Papio hamadryas) in Filoha, Awash National Park, Ethiopia”
Dr. Cosimo Sgarlata: February 2009
“The Upland Archaeology of West Rock Ridge in South-Central Connecticut: Small Stemmed Point Tradition Land-use Intensification”
Dr. Gerard Weber: February 2009
“Forsaken Generation: Stress, Social Suffering and Strategies among Working-Class Pensioners in Post-Socialist Moldova, Romania”
Dr. Gabriela Zamorano: February 2009
“Reimagining Politics: Video and Indigenous Struggles in Contemporary Bolivia”
Dr. Colin Amundsen (Sept 2008)
Culture Contact, Ethnicity and Food Practices of Coastal Finnmark, Norway (1200 to 1600 A.D.)
Dr. Edith Gonzalez-Scollard (Sept 2008)
Raising Cane: Sugar, People and the Environment in Nineteenth-Century Antigua, West Indies
Dr. Milton Herrera: May 2008
“Milk Insufficiency in Esmeraldas, Ecuador: A Multidisciplinary Approach”
Dr. Rebecca Jabbour: May 2008
“Postcranial skeletal diversity and ecomorphology of African apes”
Dr. Joshua Matthew Linder: May 2008
“Differential vulnerability of primates to hunting in Korup National Park, Cameroon: Implications for primate conservation”
Dr. Nelson Ting: May 2008
“Molecular systematics of red colobus monkeys”
Dr. Rachel L. Nuger: February 2008
“The Influence of Climate on the Obstetrical Dimensions of the Human Bony Pelvis”
Dr. Mary N. Taylor: February 2008
“The Politics of Culture: Folk Critique and Transformation of the State in Hungary”
Dr. Aysecan Terzioglu: February 2008
“Experiencing and Explaining Cancer: A Critical Study of Turkish Modernity Through the Cancer Patients’ Narrative”
Dr. Hannah Jopling: February 2008
“Making a Way Out of No Way: Relations Between Blacks and Whites in Annapolis, MD., 1902-1952”
Dr. Terese Lawinski (Oct 2007)
Welfare Restructuring in Suburban New York
Dr. Suzana Moura Maia (October 2007)
Brazilian Erotic Dancers in New York: Desire and National Identity
Dr. Johanna Warshaw (Oct 2007)
Primate Bone Microstructural Variability: Relationships to Life History, Mechanical Adaptation and Phylogeny
Dr. Andrea Queeley (Oct 2007)
A Dream Derailed: The English Speaking Caribbean Diaspora in Revolutionary Cuba
Dr. Karen Baab (May 2007)
Cranial Shape Variation in Homo Erectus
Dr. Terence Capellini (May 2007)
PBX Genes in Vertebrate Limb Development and the Implications of Their Study to Primate Evolution
Dr. Maria Gutierrez (May 2007)
All that is Air Turns Solid: The Creation of a Market for Carbon Sinks Under the Kyoto Protocol
Dr. Kelley McFarland (May 2007)
Ecology and conservation of Cross River gorillas (Gorilla gorilla diehli) on Afi Mountain, Cross River State, Nigeria
Dr. Laure Levine (Feb 2007)
Defending Children’s Rights: Global Discourse and Local Interpretations Among Palestinian Camp Refugees in Jordan
Dr. Reiko Matsuda Goodwin (Feb 2007)
Behavior and Ecology of the Mona Monkey (Cercopithecus mona Schreber, 1774) in the seasonally dry Lama Forest of Republic of Benin, West Africa
Dr. Elsa Davidson (Oct 2006)
Success Stories: Young People’s Aspirations and the Politics of Class in Post-Boom Silicon Valley
Dr. Roberto Abadie (Oct 2006)
A Guinea Pig’s Wage Risk and Commoditization in Pharmaceutical Research in America
Dr. Richard Bergl (Oct 2006)
Conservation Biology of the Cross River Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla diehli)
Dr. Julian Brash (Oct 2006)
The Bloomberg Way: Development Politics, Urban Ideology, and Class Transformation in Contemporary New York City
Dr. Michelle Hay (Oct 2006)
Social and Economic Adjustment of Afro-Cubans in the United States: Racial and Ehnic Considerations
Dr. Shannon McFarlin (Oct 2006)
Ontogenetic investigation of bone histology & life history in catarrhines
Dr. Cameron McNeil (Oct 2006)
Maya Interactions With the Natural World: Landscape Transformation and Ritual Plant Use at Copan, Honduras
Dr. Wosenyelesh Mekuria (Oct 2006)
Modern-Day Griots: Imagining Africa, Choreographing Experience In a West African Performance in New York
Dr. David Vine (Oct 2006)
Empire’s Footprint: Expulsion and the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia
Dr. Larisa Honey (May 2006)
Transforming Selves and Society: Women, Spiritual Health, and Pluralism in Post-Soviet Moscow
Dr. Erin Martineau (May 2006)
‘Too Much Tolerance’: Hang-Around Youth, Public Space, and the Problem of Freedom in the Netherlands
Dr. Jarrett Zigon (Feb 2006)
Five Muscovites: Narratives of Moral Experience in Contemporary Russia
Dr. G. Derrick Hodge (Oct 2005)
Colonization of the Cuban Body: Nationalism, Economy, and Masculinity of Male Sex Work in Havana
Dr. Susan Falls (Oct 2005)
The Configuring of Diamonds: A Study of Consumption
Dr. Marlene Linville (Oct 2005)
Marine Shell as Medium in Amerindian Aruba
Dr. Pellegrino Luciano (Oct 2005)
Shades of Dispossession: Neoliberalism and the Social Production of Credibility in Macchu Piccu, Peru
Dr. Gerard Scharfenberger (Oct 2005)
The Old Scots Burying Ground: A Case Study in the Archaeology of Religion
Dr. Danielle Whittaker (Oct 2005)
Evolutionary Genetics of Kloss’s Gibbons (Hylobates klossii): Systematics, Phylogeography, and Conservation
Dr. Leon Arredondo (May 2005)
Liberalism, Working-Class Formation and Historical Memory: Dockworkers in a Colombian Frontier
Dr. Friederike Fleischer (May 2005)
Housing China’s Emerging Classes: Competing Interests in a Beijing Suburb
Dr. Christopher Lawrence (May 2005)
The European Union, Immigration and Inequality: ‘Albanian’ Labor in the Political Economy of Rural Greece
Dr. Carmen Medeiros (Feb 2005)
The Right ‘to Know How to Understand’: Coloniality and Contesting Visions of Development and Citizenship in the Times of Neo-Liberal Civility
Dr. Arthur Rostoker (Feb 2005)
Dimensions of Prehistoric Human Occupation in the Southern Ecuadorian Oriente
Dr. Johanna Gorelick (Feb 2005)
Uncovering and Recovering Identity: An Historical Ethnography of the Cultural Politics of Museum Building at Ak-Chin Him-Dak
Dr. M. Alfredo Gonzalez (Oct 2004)
Sexuality and Love in the Lives of Homeless Men in New York
Dr. Eliza Darling (Oct 2004)
Accommodating Wilderness: Gentrification and the Production of Nature in the Adirondack Park
Dr. Diana Agosta (Oct 2004)
Naming the Future: How Salvadoran Community Radio Builds Civil Society and Popular Culture