Fall 2015 Courses

ANTH 00000 – Student Professional Development
GC:   day/time TBA, Rm. 6402, 0 credits, Prof. Blim.
Students do not register for this non-credit workshop.

ANTH 00000 – Seminar in Physical Anthro-NYCEP
GC:   F, 2:00-4:00 p.m., Rm. 6496, 0 credits, Prof. Delson
Students do not register for this non-credit course but attendance is required for CUNY/NYCEP students.

ANTH 70000 – Colloquium: Current Topics in Anthropology  
GC:   F, 4:15-6:15 p.m., Rm. C415A, 0 credits, Prof. TBA [28916] Lecture schedule TBA

ANTH 70100 – Core Cultural Anthropology I
GC:   F, 10:45 a.m.-1:45 p.m., Rm. TBA, 3 credits, Prof. Maskovsky [28917] Course open to Level 1 Cultural Anthropology doctoral students only.

ANTH 70300 – History of Anthropological Theory 
GC:   R, 10:45 a.m.-1:45 p.m., Rm. TBA, 3 credits, Profs. Limbert and Wilder [28918] Course open to Level 1 Cultural Anthropology doctoral students only.

ANTH 70500 – Research Methods
GC:   M, 4:15 -6:15 p.m., Rm. TBA, 3 credits, Prof. Bornstein [28919] 
Course open to GC Anthropology students only.  Fulfills Research Methods requirement for cultural students.

ANTH 71400 – Anthropological Approaches to Property    
GC:   W, 2:00 – 4:00 p.m., Rm. TBA, 3 credits, Prof. Verdery [28920]

ANTH 71500 – The Politics of Reproduction   
GC:   T, 2:00-4:00 p.m., Rm. TBA, 3 cr, Prof. Davis [28921]

ANTH 71800 – Anthropology of Religion
GC: R, 2:00-4:00 p.m., Rm. TBA, 3 cr, Prof. Elisha [28922]

ANTH 72400 – Markets: A Critical Historical Approach     
GC:   R, 4:15-6:15 p.m., Rm. TBA, 3 credits, Prof. Blim [28923]
Open to doctoral students only.

ANTH 73700 – History, Memory and Inheritance in East Asia
GC:   T, 4:15 -6:15 p.m., Rm. TBA, 3 credits, Prof. Koga [28924]
Course open to GC Anthropology students only. Fulfills area course requirement for students in Cultural Anthropology.

ANTH 75100 – Archaeology & Physical Anthropology
GC:   F. 11:45am-1:45pm, Rm TBA, 3 credits, Profs. McGovern and Harcourt-Smith [28925]
Course open to GC Anthropology students in the Cultural and Linguistic Anthropology subfields only, to fulfill subfield requirements in Archaeology & Physical Anthropology.

ANTH 75600 – Sustainability and Human Ecodynamics
GC: R, 4:15-6:15, Rm TBA, 3 credits, Prof. Perdikaris, [29362]
This section is open to GC Anthropology students only. Cross-listed with MALS 75600

ANTH 77900 – African American English    
GC:  W, 4:15 – 6:15 p.m., Rm TBA, 3 credits, Prof. Spears [28926] Cross-listed with LING 79200
This section open to GC Anthropology students only. Fulfills Linguistic Anthropology subfield requirement for students in Cultural Anthropology.

ANTH 79000 – NYCEP Core in Behavioral Biology
NYU: W 2:00-5:00 pm (tbc), Rm. TBA, 3 credits, Prof. Rothman [28927]
Open to CUNY-NYCEP students only.

ANTH 79100 – Integrative Paleoanthropology I
AMNH: R. 1:00 – 4:00 pm, Rm. TBA, 3 credits, Prof. Harcourt-Smith [28928]
Open to CUNY-NYCEP students only.

ANTH 79800 – Quantitative Methods in Physical Anthropology
GC: F. 10:00am – 1:00pm, Rm. TBA, 3 credits, Prof. Raaum [28929] Open to CUNY-NYCEP students only.

ANTH 79900 – Human Gross Anatomy   
MT. SINAI: Day/Time/Rm. TBA, 6 credits, Prof. Laitman [28930] Open to CUNY-NYCEP students only.

ANTH 80800 – Doctoral Dissertation Writing   
GC:   F. 2:00 – 4:00 p.m., Rm. TBA, 0 credits, Prof. Skurski [28931]
Open to Level 3 Anthropology students only.

ANTH 81000 – Life Histories, Self, and Other   
GC:   W, 2:00-4:00 p.m., Rm. TBA, 3 credits, Prof. Crapanzano [28932] Cross-listed with C L 78200
This section is open to GC Anthropology students only.

ANTH 82000 – Anthropology and History 
GC:   W, 11:45 a.m.-1:45 p.m., Rm. TBA, 3 credits, Prof. Skurski [28933]

ANTH 84300 – Archaeology and Global Environmental Change
H: F, 5:30-7:20 pm, Rm. 705N, 3 credits, Prof. McGovern [28934]

ANTH 84400 – Lab Methods in Paleoethnobotany & Paleoecology
LEHMAN: M, 3:00 – 6:00 pm, Rm. TBA, 3 credits, Prof. McNeil [28935]
Open only to GC Anthropology students in the Archaeology subfield or Biology subprogram in Botany (with instructor’s permission).

ANTH 85000, Archaeological Theory
GC: W., 11:45am-1:45pm, 3 cr, Prof. Alex Bauer [29302]
Open only to GC Anthropology students; required for students in the Archaeology subfield.