Spring 2016 Courses

ANTH 00000: Teaching Workshop

GC: Day/time TBA, Rm. 6402, 0 credits (non-registered), Prof. Blim

Required for students with teaching fellowships.

ANTH 0000: Physical Anthropology/NYCEP seminars

GC: F. 2:00-4:00 pm, Rm. 6496, 0 credits (non-registered), Prof. Delson

Required for CUNY/NYCEP students.

ANTH 70000: Colloquium: Current Topics in Anthropology

GC: F. 4:15-6:15 pm, Rm. C415A, 0 credits, Profs. Mullings/Bim [30009]

Required for first and second year Cultural Anthropology doctoral students. Lecture schedule TBA.

ANTH 70200: Core Course in Cultural Anthropology II

GC: M. 2:00-5:00 pm, Rm. 3212 , 3 credits, Prof. Creed [30010]

Course open to Level 1 Cultural Anthropology doctoral students only.

ANTH 70400: Contemporary Anthropological Theory

GC: TH. 1:00-4:00 pm, Rm. 6495, 3 credits, Profs. Halliburton/Verdery [30011]

Course open to Level 1 Cultural Anthropology doctoral students only.

ANTH 71200: Anthropology of the Image: Visuality, Materiality, and Circulation

GC: T. 11:45am-1:45pm, Rm. 6494, 3 credits, Prof. Strassler [30012]

Course open to GC Anthropology students only (or with instructor’s permission).

ANTH 71700: Anthropology of Violence

GC: M. 11:45am-1:45pm, Rm. 6494, 3 credits, Prof. Binford [30013]

ANTH 71900: Human Animal Interaction

GC: W. 4:15-6:15, Rm. 6496, 3 credits, Prof. Collins [30014]

ANTH 72100: The Concept of Revolution in Latin America

GC: W. 11:45am-1:45pm, Rm. 5383, 3 credits, Prof. Skurski [30015]

Fulfills area course requirement for students in cultural anthropology.

ANTH 74200: Ethnology/Ethnography of the Mediterranean

GC: TH. 4:15-6:15pm, Rm. 6495, 3 credits, Prof. Blim [30016]

Fulfills area course requirement for students in cultural anthropology.

ANTH 77000: Core Course in Linguistic Anthropology Core Course

GC: T. 4:15-6:15pm, Rm. 3207, 3 credits, Prof. Reyes [30017]

Course open to GC Anthropology or Linguistics students only; fulfills linguistic anthropology subfield requirement for students in cultural anthropology.

ANTH 79000: Core Course in Evolutionary Morphology

AMNH: W. 1:00-400pm, Rm. TBA, 3 credits, Prof. Delson [30018]

Open to CUNY-NYCEP students only (or by permission of instructor).

ANTH 79000: Core in Genetics and Human Biology

HC: T. 1:00-400pm, Rm. TBA, 3 credits, Prof. Steiper [30019]

Open to CUNY-NYCEP students only (or by permission of instructor).

ANTH 80700: Politics of Public Space

GC: TH. 4:15-6:15pm, Rm. 6494, 3 credits, Prof. Low [30020]

This section open to GC Anthropology students only. Cross-listed with PSYC 80103 and EES 79900.

ANTH 80800: Doctoral Dissertation Writing Workshop

GC: F. 2:00-4:00pm, Rm. 3207, 0 credits, Prof. Skurski [30021]

Open to Level 3 GC Anthropology students.

ANTH 81100: Reflections on Psychoanalysis

GC: W. 2:00-4:00pm, Rm. 6494, 3 credits, Prof. Crapanzano [30022]

ANTH 81600: Critical Agrarian Studies

GC: T. 9:30-11:30am, Rm. 6494, 3 credits, Prof. Edelman [30023]

ANTH 81900: Immigration, Race, and Citizenship

GC: T. 2:00- 4:00 pm, Rm. 6421, 3 credits, Prof. Garcia-Colon [30736]

ANTH 82300: Proposal Writing Seminar

GC: TH. 9:30-11:30am, Rm. 3309, 3 credits, Prof. Edelman [30024]

Course open to GC Anthropology students only.

ANTH 82500: Commons and Inequality

GC: F. 2:00-4:00pm, Rm. 6493, 3 credits, Prof. Susser [30025]

Course open only to continuing students participating in Fall 2014 seminars.

First seminar Friday, February 5th.

ANTH 84200: Quantitative Methods in Archaeology

HC: M. 5:30-7:30pm, Rm. 705N, 3 credits, Prof. Johnson [30027]

Open to GC Anthropology students in the archaeology subfield only.

ANTH 84300: Advanced Field Methods in Archaeology

GC: W. 11:45am-1:45pm, Rm. 6114, 3 credits, Prof. McGovern [30737]

Open to GC Anthropology students in the archaeology subfield only.

ANTH 85100: End of Days: The Collapse of Complex Societies

HC: TH. 5:30-7:30pm, Rm. 701N, 3 credits, Prof. Brewington [30805]

Open to GC Anthropology students in the archaeology subfield only.

ANTH 85300: Island Long Term Human Ecodynamics

BC: W. 4:15-6:15pm, Rm. 538NE, 3 credits, Prof. Perdikaris [30738]

This section open only to GC Anthropology students. Cross listed with MALS 75700.

ANTH 85400: Archaeology of Cultural Contact

GC: T. 4:15-6:15pm, Rm. C415A, 3 credits, Prof. Pugh [30028]