(Ph D U Michigan 1972; Prof) Archaeology, complex societies, quantitative analysis; Near East ([email protected])
Selected Publications
- G. A. Johnson. “9000 Years of Social Change in Western Iran,” in F. Hole, ed.,Archaeological Perspectives on Western Iran: From Prehistory to the Islamic Conquest. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 371-389 (1987).
- G. A. Johnson. “Strutture Protostatali: Cambiamenti Organizzativi Nella Amministrazione Della Piannura Dell Susiana Durante el Periodo Uruk (c. 3800-3100 A.C.).” Annali dell’Instituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli, Vol. 43: 345-406 (1983).
- G. A. Johnson. “Aspects of Regional Analysis in Archaeology.” Annual Review of Anthropology, Vol. 6: 479-508 (1977).
- G. A. Johnson and H. T. Wright. “Population, Exchange, and Early State Development in Southwestern Iran.” American Anthropologist, Vol. 77(2): 267-289 (1975).
- G. A. Johnson. “Local Exchange and Early State Development in Southwestern Iran.” Anthropological Papers, Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan, No. 51. Ann Arbor (1973).