Ph.D. Program in Anthropology, CUNY Graduate Center
Cultural Anthropology, Archaeology, Linguistic Anthropology, Physical Anthropology
ANTH 00000: Teaching Undergraduate Anthropology Workshop
GC: R. 6:30 – 8:30pm, Rm. 6402, 0 credits (non-registered), Prof. Blim
Required for students with teaching fellowships.
ANTH 70000: Colloquium: Current Topics in Anthropology
GC: F. 4:15-6:15pm, Rm. C415A, 0 credits, Prof. TBA [35278]
Required for 1st and 2nd year Cultural Anthropology doctoral students. Lecture schedule TBA.
ANTH 70200: Core Course in Cultural Anthropology II
GC: T. 2:00-5:00pm, Rm. TBA , 3 credits, Prof. Strassler [35279]
Course open to Level 1 Cultural Anthropology doctoral students only.
ANTH 70400: Contemporary Anthropological Theory
GC: F. 10:45am – 1:45pm, Rm. TBA, 3 credits, Profs. García-Colón/Halliburton [35280]
Course open to Level 1 Cultural Anthropology doctoral students only.
ANTH 70700: Anthropology and Media
GC: M. 2:00 – 4:00pm, Rm. TBA, 3 credits, Prof. Salamandra [35281]
This seminar focuses on the anthropology of media and media in anthropology. It foregrounds anthropology’s contribution to the interdisciplinary field of media studies, emphasizes the uses of media in social relations, and explores ways in which attention to mediation enriches ethnography. In addition to foundational media theory texts, readings consist of book length classic and recent ethnographies on the production, consumption and circulation of mediated culture. Case studies draw on various regional contexts and cultural forms. Topics include: the politics of production; news gathering and framing; television drama; online gaming; digital activism and online networking; social media and intimacy; hacking; and political dissent.
ANTH 70800: Anthropology of Ethics
GC: W. 11:45am-1:45pm, Rm. TBA, 3 credits, Prof. Falu [35562] Course open to doctoral students only.
For over a decade, anthropology has seen the emergence of a new focus and direction of research in ethics. This course will explore the antecedents on which this research in ethics has been pursued and in what respects the anthropology of ethics differs from the research into “beliefs, norms, and values” from the past. It will also explore how the “ethical life” might be interrogated across anthropological research on race, gender, sexuality, class, nationalism, human rights, animal rights, and social change.
ANTH 71000: Critical Theory: Foundations & Practices
GC: W. 2:00 – 4:00pm, Rm. TBA, 3 credits, Prof. Crapanzano [35282]
Requires permission of CTCP; write to [email protected]
The focus of this seminar wil be on the relationship between various conceptions of and atttudes toward language and recent theories of interpretation and hermeneutical practices in the human sciences and literary study. We will consider the effect of the stress on reference over other language functions – the pragmatic, poetic — on notions of text, genre, and rhetoric. How does this stress configure meta-critical understanding? How does it foster the often promiscuous play of of divergent, at times analytically incompatible, approaches to interpretation so characteristic of contemporary theory? Readings will include works b Nietzsche, Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, de Saussure, Lévi-Strauss and/or Gennette, Foucault, Michael Silverstein and his school, Bakhtin, Lacan and Deleuze.
ANTH 71300: Anthropology of Gender
GC: R. 11:45am-1:45pm, Rm. TBA, 3 credits, Prof. Tovar [35283] Cross listed with WSCP 8100.
This seminar offers a cross-cultural examination of gender and gender relations in anthropological theory and practice. The course examines the intersection of gender and other kinds of social difference, such as age, ethnicity, race, class, power, and culture. It focuses on the role of production and reproduction, the impacts of colonialism, globalization, migration, work, and family, while critically exploring gender variation, sexual divisions of labor, social constructions of gender, and gender hierarchies in different cultures and from prehistory to present. Class discussions will center on such key concepts as status, public and private spheres, hegemony, resistance, and reflexivity, while examining topics such as, gender performance, the body, sexuality, health, nurturance, and themes of social justice and human rights. The course will also examine how scientific knowledge has been shaped in contexts that are genderized, racialized, and economically exploitative, challenging conceptual structures and methodologies that constitute traditional Western epistemologies. Students will explore methods of inquiry that give voice to the multiply located perspectives of marginalized subjects and communities, and approaches and conceptual frameworks that inform theorizing, critical analysis, and research,as well as its current impact on debates of wide relevance in anthropology.
ANTH 71700: Anthropological Approaches to Nature & the Environment
GC: M. 4:15 – 6:15pm, Rm. TBA, 3 credits, Prof. Checker [35284]
ANTH 72200: Human Rights in Latin America
GC: T. 11:45am – 1:45pm, Rm. TBA, 3 credits, Prof. Sanford [35285]
Fulfills area course requirement for Cultural Anthropology.
ANTH 73600: Ethnology/Ethnography of Eastern Europe
GC: W. 2:00 – 4:00pm, Rm. TBA, 3 credits, Prof. Verdery [35286]
Fulfills area course requirement for Cultural Anthropology.
Introduces students to recent history and ethnography of the former Soviet sphere, with emphasis on the countries of Eastern Europe. Topics include theories of socialism and major themes of the postsocialist period, including property transformation, migration, consumption, religion and ritual, and EU accession.
ANTH 75900: Archaeology of Europe
HC: R. 5:30 – 7:20pm, Rm. TBA, 3 credits, Prof. McGovern [35287]
Open only to GC Anthropology students in the Archaeology subfield; limited enrollment.
ANTH 78000: Linguistic and Cultural Anthropology
GC: M. 2:00 – 4:00pm, Rm. TBA, 3 credits, Profs. Creed/Rodriguez [35288]
Fulfills both Cultural & Linguistic Anthropology subfield requirements for Archaeology & Physical Anthropology students.
ANTH 78900: Professional Development in Physical Anthropology
GC: F. 2:00-4:00 pm, Rm. 6496, 3 credits, Prof. Swedell [35289]
Required for CUNY-NYCEP students. Open to CUNY-NYCEP students only. Presentation schedule TBA.
ANTH 79000: Core Course in Evolutionary Morphology
HC: W. 10:00am – 1:00pm, Rm. TBA, 3 credits, Prof. Gilbert [35290]
Open to CUNY-NYCEP students only (or by permission of instructor).
ANTH 79500: Primate Phylogeny & Paleobiology
AMNH: W. 2:30 – 5:30pm, Rm. TBA, 3 credits, Prof. Delson [35291]
Open to CUNY-NYCEP students only (or by permission of instructor).
ANTH 80500: Methods Module: Participant Observation/Fieldnotes
GC: F. 2:00 – 4:00pm, Rm. TBA, 1 credit, Prof. Low [35292] Meets Feb. 3, 10, 17, 24.
This section open only to GC Anthropology students. Crosslisted with PSYC 80101.
ANTH 80500 – Methods Module: Interviewing
GC: F. 2:00 – 4:00pm, Rm. TBA, 1 credit, Prof. Low [35293] Meets March 3, 10, 17, 24.
This section open only to GC Anthropology students. Crosslisted with PSYC 80101.
ANTH 80500 – Methods Module: Qualitative Data Analysis
GC: F. 2:00 – 4:00pm, Rm. TBA, 1 credit, Prof. Low [35294] Meets Apr. 7 & 21, May 5 & 12. This section open only to GC Anthropology students. Crosslisted with PSYC 80101.
ANTH 80800: Doctoral Dissertation Writing Workshop
GC: F. 2:00-4:00pm, Rm. TBA, 0 credits, Prof. Skurski [35295] Open to Level 3 GC Anthropology students.
ANTH 81500: The Public and Publics
GC: R. 2:00-4:00pm, Rm. TBA, 3 credits, Profs. Chazkel/Low [35296]
Instructors’ permission required. Cross-listed with IDS 81630, PSYC 80103, U ED 75200
ANTH 81700: Problems of Capitalist Development
GC: R. 4:15 – 6:15 pm, Rm. TBA, 3 credits, Prof. Blim [35297]
ANTH 82000: Anthropology and History
GC: W. 4:15 – 6:15pm, Rm. TBA, 3 credits, Prof. Skurski [35298]
ANTH 82300: Proposal Writing Seminar
GC: T. 2:00 – 4:00pm, Rm. TBA, 3 credits, Prof. Lennihan [35299] Open to GC Anthropology students only.
ANTH 83600: Ancient Disease
GC: F. 11:45am-1:45pm, Rm. TBA, 3 credits, Prof. Pechenkina [35300]
ANTH 83700: Lithic Analysis
HC: W. 5:30 – 7:20pm, Rm. TBA, 3 credits, Prof. Parry [35301]
ANTH 84000: Sustainability & Global Change
HC: W. 5:30 – 7:20pm, Rm. TBA, 3 credits, Prof. McGovern [35302]
Open only to GC Anthropology students in the Archaeology subfield; limited enrollment.
ANTH 84200: Analytical Methods in Archaeology
HC: M. 5:30 – 7:20pm, Rm. TBA, 3 credits, Prof. Johnson [35303]
Open only to GC Anthropology students in the Archaeology subfield; limited enrollment.