Bri Alexander (Linguistic Anthropology)
Indigenous and minoritized language reclamation, language learning pedagogy, language learning and health, digital approaches to language reclamation.
Ana Flavia Badue (Cultural Anthropology)
My research focuses on digitization of agribusiness in Brazil. I explore how startups, investors, farm owners and corporations work together in the constitution of the so-called “innovation ecosystem” of Piracicaba, Sao Paulo. My broad interests are political economy, Latin America, financialization, and digitization.
Carly Batist (Biological Anthropology)
Lemur vocal communication, passive acoustic monitoring, evolution of language, Varecia (italicize), Madagascar.
Twitter: @Carly_Batist, Lab Website:
Justin Bracken (Archaeology)
Mesoamerica, the Maya, Peten Lakes Region, Spatial Analysis, GIS, Early Social Complexity, Warfare, Fortifications.
Merrit Corrigan (Cultural Anthropology)
My research interests include mobility, race, infrastructure, and social movements. My future dissertation work will examine how institutional politics of paving and contemporary strategies of resistance centered on roads in Jackson, MS help to re-make imaginaries about race, equity, and urban space in the southern United States.
Twitter: @MerritCorrigan
Stephanie Cruz de Echeverria (Cultural Anthropology)
Theory and politics of movement and mobility; imaginaries, national ideologies, and migration; Mexico.
Mikey Elster (Cultural Anthropology)
Gender and sexuality, queer theory, medical anthropology, North America.
Scott Erich (Cultural Anthropology)
The Indian Ocean, maritime economies, natural resource extraction, fisheries governance, ports.
Agnes Eshak (Cultural Anthropology)
Religion and Secularism; Biomedicine; Pain; History of Science; Science and Technology; Middle East.
Jessie Fredlund (Cultural Anthropology)
My dissertation is a political history of rain in a key water catchment in Tanzania. My research lies at the intersections of environmental anthropology, religion, feminist anthropology and agrarian studies.
Twitter: @JessieFredlund
Michelle Gaspari (Cultural Anthropology)
Nationalism, migration, former Yugoslavia, affect, memory.
Twitter: @mgaspari2
Jason L. Gerdes (Cultural Anthropology)
Medical Anthropology, Injury, Law, and Militarization in the United States.
Nicholas Glastonbury (Cultural Anthropology)
My dissertation research explores the intersections of sound, technology, and politics in Kurdistan during and after the Cold War. It examines how mediatized sound emerged as a technopolitical mechanism of persuasion on both sides of the Soviet-Turkish border. It focuses on how radio and cassettes circulate not just as vectors of discourse, but also as material artifacts, technologies, infrastructures, ideological laboratories, political arenas, cultural practices, and regulatory forces; in so doing, it aims to foreground the crucial role that sonic media technologies have played in the shaping of Kurdish social and political life on the margins of empire and state over the past century.
Twitter: @nsglastonbury
Thayer Hastings (Cultural Anthropology)
Racial Capitalism; Coloniality; Palestine.
Shima Houshyar (Cultural Anthropology)
Infrastructure, Nature, Oil, Water, State, Iran.
Twitter: @ShimaHoush
Evan M. Mann (Archaeology)
North American Archaeology, Woodland Period Ceramics, GC-MS Lipid Analysis, pXRF Geochemical Analysis, GIS Modeling and Analysis.
Eliza Marks (Cultural Anthropology)
Music, digital and media culture, diaspora, Middle East.
Brenna McCaffrey (Cultural Anthropology )
Medical anthropology, science & technology studies, activism, feminist theory, reproduction, Europe.
Twitter: @anthrofeminist
Mehrnaz Moghaddam (Cultural Anthropology)
Migration, Political Economy, Labor, the State, Afghan Diaspora in Iran.
Sarah Molinari (Cultural Anthropology)
My research focuses on how Puerto Ricans contest the politics of debt and climate disaster in the wake of Hurricane Maria. My dissertation ethnographically examines two initiatives of “recovery justice” in Puerto Rico–the movement for a citizen debt audit and a women’s mutual aid center built around post-disaster solidarities.
Twitter: @sarahmolinari, The Puerto Rico Syllabus:
Miryam Nacimento (Cultural Anthropology)
Illicit plants, human-plant relations, semiotics, information, knowledge, violence, Andes, Colombia.
Pere Nogues-Martin (Cultural Anthropology)
Interest in rural-urban transformations, infrastructures, STS, cultures of expertise, resource management, environmental degradation and colonialism in West Africa.
Mar A. Ovalle-Meda (Cultural Anthropology)
Statecraft, Class and Identity Formation, Labor and Economic Development, Ideology and Hegemony, Social Movements, Political Ecology, Extractivism, Latin America.
Claire Panetta (Cultural Anthropology)
My research analyzes the intersection of politics and space in the urban Middle East, focusing on grassroots urbanism in post-revolution Cairo as “sites of politics”.
Lindsay Parme (Cultural Anthropology)
Social movements, state repression, animal liberation, political prisoners.
Colin Pitet (Cultural Anthropology)
Finance, technology, accounting, ledgers, writing, data, economic anthropology, political economy, human-animal interaction, blockchain.
Lilianna Quiroa-Crowell (Cultural Anthropology )
Guatemala, memory, citizenship, Caribbean Maya politics, The United Fruit Company.
China Sajadian (Cultural Anthropology)
Critical agrarian studies, migration, refugees, labor, gender, Middle East, Levant, Eastern Mediterranean.
Paulo A. Suarez Rojas (Cultural Anthropology)
Philosophies of immanence; anthropology of the Event; New Reading of Marx; critical theory; political subjectivity; affect; infrastructure; immigration; tourism; Los Angeles.
Cihan Tekay (Cultural Anthropology)
I am writing my dissertation on electrification in Turkey at the turn of the 20th century, facilitated by European finance capital. My work, broadly conceived, is at the intersection of political and economic anthropology. I am interested in how states and societies mutually transform under capitalism, and how people’s engagement with new ideas and technologies shape visions of the future.
Political economy, globalization, consumption, technology and infrastructure, historical anthropology, Turkey and Europe.
James Tolleson (Cultural Anthropology)
Race and gender, the environment, agriculture and agrochemicals, finance and labor, southern United States.
Academic Profile:
Juliana B. Valente (Cultural Anthropology)
Violence, youth, crime, Brazil.
Deborah Leter (Cultural Anthropology)
Social and political imaginaries, civil society, social movements, Africa, refugee-led organizing (South Sudan/Uganda), French neo-colonialism.