Maria Lagos

(PhD Columbia, 1988; Assoc Prof) Cultural anthropology, political economy, gender and ethnic relations; Latin America Andean region ([email protected])

Maria L. Lagos. Associate Professor, Herbert H. Lehman College. Areas of expertise: Latin America, in particular the Andean region; political economy of agrarian societies; the politics of class, ethnicity, and gender; and labor.

Since 1982, she has done extensive field and archival research in Cochabamba, Bolivia on processes of agrarian transformations and cultural and political struggle. Her current research interests center on labor issues and grass-root organizations; neoliberal policies and everyday forms of state formation; and oral history.

She is the author of Autonomy and Power: The Dynamics of Class and Culture in Rural Bolivia, Pennsylvania University Press, 1994 [also published in Spanish in Bolivia, Plural, 1997], and of “We Have to Learn to Ask”: Hegemony, Experience, and Antagonistic Meanings,” American Ethnologist (20:1, 1993).

Additional Publications

  • 2002 “Livelihood, Citizenship, and the Gender of Politics,” pp. 205-228 in Locating Capitalism in Time and Space, David Nugent, ed. Stanford University Press.
  • 2001 “Bolivia la nueva: la construcción de una nueva ciudadanía,” pp. 217-280 inVisiones de fin de siglo. Bolivia y América Latina en el siglo XX, Dora Cajías, Magdalena Cajías, Carmen Johnson, and Iris Villegas, eds. La Paz: IFEA / Coordinadora de Historia / Embajada de España.
  • 2001 “Procesos productivos e identidades sociales: Transformaciones en Cochambaba” [with Thomas Kruse] in La Paz: TinkazosRevista Boliviana de Cincias Sociales. 4(8).

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